It actually looks better in the pictures than it did in real life. It really looked bad.
Thanks to the DMCTalk forum, I found out that I should check the o-ring on the fuel pressure regulator again because the replacements are known to fail. I took it out today, and I was shocked. The o-ring that we installed one year ago had flattened, hardened, and cracked into three separate pieces. One of the pieces was even missing! No wonder I was having hot start problems! I bought the part from a DeLorean vendor, so it should have been the right part. I don't know what happened. So I bought a new fuel resistant o-ring, installed it and now I don't have the hot start problem anymore! I also adjusted the idle microswitch screw, and I think that solved the stalling issue! I'll need to do some more test driving to know for sure. I'm also probably going to change the spark plugs and wires since I don't know the last time they were changed, but I know it hasn't been done in over four years.
Since I bought this car, I have wanted to install a third brake light. These cars are so low to the ground that I'm afraid someone won't be able to see my brake lights and rear end me. I've always had a specific look in my mind of what I wanted, but I haven't been able to find one. I don't really like the LED ones, because in my opinion they look like an aftermarket add-on. I wanted one that looked like it could have been a factory part. I found another owner's blog, and he had installed one that was a perfect match to what I wanted. It wasn't LED, and it followed the lines of the DeLorean perfectly! You can see it here. He said it was from a mid 80's Corvette. I went on eBay, and found one just like his for $24, so I bought it. So next week I should be installing it!
So today ended up being a very productive day! I still have quite a lot to do on the car, but I am MUCH closer to where I want it to be! A few more items to check off my to do list!
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