Saturday, June 26, 2010

Finally figured it out

Since my dad and I replaced the front suspension there has been a rattling coming from the passenger front wheel area. We checked it a number of times, but couldn't ever find anything loose. I started thinking maybe it was just that the shocks were bad. Then when the brake issue happened in the same area earlier this month, I knew something was up. We fixed the loose brake line, which fixed the leaking brakes, but the rattling was getting quite a bit worse. I finally decided to look everything over myself. I figured out that the bottom bolt holding the brake caliper on was missing, and it was just hanging from the top bolt. Maybe it was there before and finally just fell out, I'm not sure. So I bought a new bolt, and now the rattle is FINALLY gone, and I don't have to worry about the brake line shaking loose anymore.

Took a close look at my wheels today, and they are definitely going to need to be redone. The finish is just flaking off. :( Oh well, sounds like a good excuse to have them done in the dark gray! And yes, I used the DeLorean jack to work on it today. I figured it wouldn't hurt anything, and now I know how it works in case I need to use it on the side of the road someday (hopefully not).

I just thought this was a good picture with the sun reflecting.

I tried the trick of jumping the low pressure switch for the A/C compressor while the wheel was off, and it turns out that my compressor doesn't engage. Oh well, at least now I know I have to buy a new compressor, so I can just order it along with the new hoses this week. It is getting WAY too hot to drive a DeLorean without A/C.

And my side stripes were finally sent yesterday, so I should have them by my next days off. Hopefully by this time next week, my car will finally have the black side stripe! Yay!

I also just found out that the later build DeLoreans had a different ashtray. I never really liked the look of the original ashtray, but didn't think about it too much since I didn't think there was anything to replace it with. When I saw a picture of the later style for the first time last night I fell in love with it!

It was for sale for a good price, so I bought it and will be changing that out as well! So I have a few projects coming up in the next few weeks!


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