Wednesday, February 9, 2011

New problem & snowstorm

I know I haven't posted anything recently, but since winter hit, I've only driven my DeLorean 3 times so there really hasn't been much to post. I do have a little bit of an update, so I figured I'd go ahead and make a new post.

So the last time I drove my DeLorean before switching to my winter car, I noticed that there was something leaking out from under the car. I couldn't tell what it was in the parking lot, so I drove the car home, parked it and honestly forgot about the leak. Two months later, I decided to drive it on a nice day. I get in, push in the clutch, and it goes to the floor with no resistance! I check the fluid, and it was completely dry! I ended up filling it back up, pumped the clutch a few times and it was back to normal. I drove it almost 100 miles throughout the day, and no problems. I parked it again, and didn't drive it again for over a month. So I decided to drive it again a few days ago. First thing I did was check the fluid. It was still full! So I drove it about 140 miles that day, and still no problem, still full. I don't know what happened, but the leak seems to have stopped for now. I am still going to end up tracking down the source of the leak once the weather clears up, so yet another item to add to my to-do list.

Me being the procrastinator that I am, I let the registration on my other car expire. >:( So I had to drive my D to see my girlfriend this weekend, 65 miles away. I knew there was a snowstorm on the way, but it wasn't supposed to start snowing until midnight. Well, since when can weathermen predict the weather, let alone the future? It started snowing about 7:30. As soon as it did, I jumped in my car and took off toward home. Before I even made it halfway, I was in the middle of a terrible snowstorm! Going down I-25, all the cars on the road were going 20 MPH, and you could barely see one car length ahead of you! I have never driven my DeLorean in snow before because I had heard how bad they handle when it's slick. I made it home without incident, but I did slide around quite a bit whenever I had to turn. Hopefully I am never in a situation where I have to drive it in those conditions again, but it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Plus, the heater works pretty well with the new fan, so I was nice and warm the whole time! :) Also, halfway through the storm, my car passed 52,000 miles! Yay!!

Another thing I have to add to my to-do list is change out the shocks and rear springs. I got a set of used but still good shocks from another DeLorean owner who upgraded to the high performance type, so sometime this spring/summer I will change out the shocks, and while I'm at it I'll finally install the rear springs that I've had waiting for 4 years!

Sorry I don't have any new pictures to share. Hopefully I'll be able to get to a car wash this weekend and take some new pictures! For now, here's the "Gear Head" video that Josh from DPI made at our tech session. My car is featured quite a bit, and I actually did some of the camera work. Enjoy!
