Day three was almost as productive as day two was (so far, not done yet!). So far I have gotten the lower door panels and door handles dyed, door pillar trim dyed, door headliners out, driver side quarter panel and seats out, and am getting ready to start recovering the seats as soon as I am done writing this post. All I have left is to get the passenger side quarter panel out, and get the rear panel out and dye it and the quarter panels. Should be about an hour or less, then I will be ready to start putting things back in. I will probably do the carpet first, then the seats, then quarter panels, then door panels & trim, then dash/console/knee pads, then headliner. I'm hoping that it will only take a few hours tomorrow before I'm done. That may be a bit optimistic, but I am fully planning to be done before the day ends tomorrow! That is of course assuming that I can get the seats both recovered tonight. I guess time will tell. I should at the very least be MOSTLY done tomorrow.

My re-dyed door panel with the reproduction DMCH door pulls. The color is PERFECT!

Wow, it's no wonder these speakers sounded like SHIT! You can see the ground through them, and chunks fell off when I took it out!!!

It came complete with a dead spider!

I'm guessing these will sound just a
little bit better, LOL!

Seat is out. Much easier to take out than I thought it would be.

No seat or quarter panel.

Just to give you an idea of the scope of this project.
Everything you see is part of this project.

My parents are gone this week, so I kind of took over their living room!! I wouldn't have had enough space at my place for everything, so it worked out perfectly! :) I have even added more stuff since this picture!